Monday, October 3, 2011

Syllabus for Yoga teachers and students


A: Introduction to Yoga - Explain Original Ashtanga Yoga Recital of OM at Beginning and Conclusion, as well as the Patanjali Invocation
B: Simple Yoga Postures Standing (Do balancing exercises before heart rate goes up)·
·         Samasthiti (Namaste with a smile)
·         Tadasana (The Mountain hands above head, head down) ,
·         Tadasana (Parshva Bhangi, Parivritti Bhangi) .
·         Vrikshasana (The Tree)
·         Utkatasana (trying the chair with fingers above head)
·         Tuladana or Veera Bhadra (The Balance or Warrior)
·         Hanumanta
·         Veera Bhadrasana (Warrior)
·         Trikona (Triangle)
·         Parsvakonasana (heel to finger tip in 45° Angle)
·         Uttanasana Mudra (Forward bend with crossed fmgers above head)
·         Adhomukha Shvana (Downward Dog)
C. Sitting
·         Naukasana
·         Shashankasana (The Rabbit)
·         Narasimhasana (The Man~Lion) 
              Botox without the needles
·         Pachimottanasana(Forward bend)
·         Purvottanasana (Backward Bend)
·         Godhanasana ( Balance on folded leg, another stretched, hands spread like wings or
·         raised above head)
·         Badhakonasana ( The Shoemaker)
·         Upavistakonasana ( Forward Bend with legs spread out)
·         Vakrasana (legs stretched in front)      ~
·         Ardha Matsyendrasana (Lumbar Twist with hands wrapped around knees) .
·         Oustrasana (the Camel)

D. Lying: Down
·         Bhujangasana (Cobra)
·         Shvana (Dog)
·         Shalaba (Locust)
·         Dhanurasana (The Bow)
·         Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
·         Halasana ( The Plough) 
               Cures Diabetes
·         Shirshasana (The Headstand)
E: Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)
·         Bhastrika 
            Litmus Test: No thoughts!   For zero basing.
            Raises blood pressure slightly if done too much.
·         Nadi-Shodana Pranayama 
           Fingers must tightly clip the nose.  No leaks.
           Applying the chin to the chest helps activate thyroid. 

·         The Three Stages 

Some related links:

1 comment:

  1. Yoga exercises, including breathing exercises are the best "free" antidote to depression from which millions suffer. But among those that treat depression YOGA perhaps is as bad a four-letter word as any other.
    Here is a link to a feature on depression and all the bells and whistles of a treatment. And you judge what is best:

    S. Char
