Astanga Yoga Mantram
Vande Gurunam Caranaravinde
Sandarsita Svatma Sukhava Bodhe
Nih Sreyase Jangalikayamane
Samsara Halahala Mohasantyai
Abahu Purusakaram
Sankhacakrasi Dharinam
Sahasra Sirasam Svetam
Pranamami Patanjalim
In English:
I pray to the Lotus feet of the Supreme Guru who teaches the good
knowledge, showing the way to knowing the self awakening great
happiness; who is the doctor of the jungle, able to remove the poison
of the ignorance of conditioned existence.
To Patanjali, an incarmation of Adisesa, white in color with 1000
radiant heads (in his form as the divine serpent, Ananta), human in
form below the shoulders holding a sword (discrimination), a wheel of
fire (discus of light, representing infinite time), and a conch
(Divine sound) - to him, I prostrate.
this sloka is dedicated to patanjali, the guru of ashtanga yoga.
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